We believe in an inclusive, diverse, and questioning church

Christ Church is a community made up of diverse people. We celebrate the human family’s diversity as it broadens how we understand Christ and each other in the collective church. Christ Church is part of the global denomination of The United Methodist Church. We are committed to exploring progressive Christianity with rich traditions that express the diversity of the Christian Church. Our definition of progressive Christianity is exploring faith by questioning tradition, accepting human diversity, emphasizing social justice, and maintaining healthy relationships. When you come to Christ Church, our intellect is not left outside. We create a life-giving theology that includes our experience, reason, biblical values, and traditions of the church.

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Relating can be messy, yet we always seek to build relationships with honesty and empathy. Nobody is perfect, and we embrace our differences.


Engaging in the Word of God

Engaging with the Scripture includes learning historic context and going beyond words to better understand the message of Jesus Christ.


 Advocating for justice in the name of Jesus

Advocating for the oppressed, the voiceless, and the forgotten is our calling as Christians. We live the message of Jesus Christ by advocating for social justice and serving our community.


Learning about ourselves and God

Learning never stops. We constantly wrestle with, and grow in, our faith by asking questions. And in the process, we learn about ourselves and each other.

About Christ Church Denver


Since it was first organized in 1871 as California Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Christ Church’s history has been linked with Denver’s history. Two moves later, we built the sanctuary at 7th and Colorado in 1927 when Colorado Boulevard was a dirt road with one lane. The education building was built in the late 1950s, with several remodels over the years.

Social justice has been a cornerstone of this community of faith. Welcoming the Black Panthers to discuss race relations in the 1960’s. Hosting Latinx immigrant workers in the 1970’s. Partnering with Russian immigrants in the 1980’s. We've spent the last 20 years focusing on inclusivity as a call from the gospel of Jesus Christ, specifically with the LGBTQ community. 

Over the years, Christ Church has been identified with a liberal theological tradition and is closely associated with the Iliff School of Theology.

Christ Church Denver Mission


Christ Church is a thoughtful Christian community seeking relationship, offering grace, questioning faith, and striving for personal and social holiness. Our hope is that you will find here a Christian community of integrity that will challenge you and encourage you in your spiritual journey. Christ Church United Methodist is called to the ministry of reconciliation, as asserted in the United Methodist Book of Discipline. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, faith history, economic status, marital status, physical and mental ability, and educational background. We offer many opportunities for congregational involvement and community service. We invite you to be a part of our congregation.


Senior Pastor

Lisa Hawthorne

Family Ministry Director

Rebecca Bourgeois

Church Administrator