Children's Ministry
Children pre-K to 6th grade
Sunday School every Sunday
at 9am, Sept. - May.
Youth grades 6-12
Sunday School meets once per month at 9am
Youth Group meets once per month after worship
Children and youth are fully integrated into the life of our church and considered a vital part of what it means to be in the Christ Church community. Children of all ages are welcome in our worship experience, but we also invite preschool - 5th graders to attend Children's Church following the All-Age Story. By including children in our worship experience, it allows them to learn the practice of worship and it helps them to understand different aspects of how we practice theology and the creation of our faith experiences. We have a Sunday School program that runs from September through May. As 7th graders or older, youth are invited into a confirmation experience so that they can determine, with their families, whether they would like to join the church as members.
Adult Education begins at 9am Sundays.
The Seminar continues the decades-long Christ Church tradition of open discussion that aims to reflect on what is ultimately important in life. We host a variety of speakers from all walks of life and backgrounds, even from different religions. Our goal is to reflect and ask questions about who we are and our calling from God. We are meeting in person and on Zoom. Want information about joining the discussion or are you interested in teaching a class? Email our office.
Seminar Schedule:
March 9: Kirsten Lund "Early Chrisianity in Great Britain"
March 9: Kirsten Lund "The Life of St. Patrick"
United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women)
UWF is turning faith, hope, and love into action on behalf of women, children, and youth around the world. All ages and people who identify as women or non-binary are welcome.
Sunshine Circle
This UWF group meets 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:30am September thru May. Enjoy conversation and the close bonds formed with this spectacular group of women of all ages.